Nestled in the heart of Sydney, Purple Zebra Gallery is a treasure trove for art enthusiasts and collectors alike, showcasing an exquisite collection of vintage poster art. This gallery is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the timeless beauty and historical significance of vintage posters, each piece offering a glimpse into a bygone era.


A Journey Through Time

The Vintage Poster Art collection at Purple Zebra Gallery spans several decades, capturing the essence of different periods and styles. From the early 1900s to the mid-20th century, the collection encompasses a wide range of themes including travel, advertising, entertainment, and more. Each poster is a testament to the artistic and cultural trends of its time, making the collection not only visually stunning but also historically fascinating.

Key Features of the Collection

  • Travel Posters: Discover the allure of Sydney and beyond through beautifully illustrated travel posters. These artworks, often used to promote tourism, highlight iconic landmarks, scenic landscapes, and the adventurous spirit of the era.
  • Advertising Posters: Step back in time with vintage advertising posters that showcase products, services, and events from the past. These posters reflect the creativity and marketing strategies of their time, offering a unique glimpse into the history of consumer culture.
  • Entertainment Posters: Explore a vibrant collection of posters promoting theatre productions, concerts, films, and festivals. These pieces capture the excitement and diversity of Sydney's cultural scene throughout the decades.


The Timeless Appeal of Vintage Posters

Vintage posters are not just decorative pieces; they are works of art that tell a story. Each poster in the collection is a window into the past, revealing insights into the social, economic, and cultural contexts of its time. The striking imagery, bold typography, and vivid colours used in these posters continue to captivate audiences, making them timeless additions to any collection.

Why Collect Vintage Posters?

  • Historical Significance: Vintage posters are historical artefacts that offer a unique perspective on the past. They allow collectors to own a piece of history and preserve it for future generations.
  • Artistic Value: The design elements and artistic techniques used in vintage posters make them highly desirable for art enthusiasts. Their aesthetic appeal transcends time, offering beauty and inspiration.
  • Conversation Starters: Displaying vintage posters in your home or office can spark interesting conversations and showcase your personal taste and interests.
  • Investment Potential: Vintage posters can appreciate in value over time, making them a worthwhile investment for collectors.


Experience Purple Zebra Gallery

Located in the vibrant city of Sydney, Purple Zebra Gallery provides a welcoming and inspiring environment for visitors to explore the world of vintage poster art. The gallery is dedicated to offering an exceptional experience, with a focus on authenticity, variety, and expert curation.

What to Expect

  • Expert Guidance: The gallery's knowledgeable staff are passionate about vintage posters and are always available to provide insights and information about the collection.
  • Authenticity Guaranteed: Every poster in the collection is verified for authenticity, ensuring that you are purchasing genuine pieces of history.
  • Diverse Selection: With a wide array of posters to choose from, the collection caters to various tastes and interests. Whether you are looking for a specific era, theme, or style, you are sure to find something that captivates you.


The Vintage Poster Art collection at Purple Zebra Gallery is a celebration of Sydney's rich artistic heritage and the enduring charm of vintage art. Whether you are a seasoned collector or new to the world of vintage posters, this collection offers a captivating journey through time. Visit Purple Zebra Gallery to experience the beauty and historical significance of these remarkable artworks and bring a piece of history into your home.